Friday, December 11, 2009

My View On "Blood Testing Justification"

In my fellow classmate’s blog “Blood Testing Justification,” I totally agree with Mary on the issue of police officers being able to stab a person with a needle to draw blood. She said that they are “trained” to do so, but we have all dealt with a drunken person in our lifetime and we know that it is not always the easiest thing to do. Now imagine trying to stick a needle in them…. I do not see that going over very well. I do not think that anyone should be able to prick my skin without my permission regardless of the reason I am being pulled over for. The time it will take for the officer to call a judge, take them to a “clean room,” disinfect the arm, and finally draw blood, the results of the blood draw may be different than if they were to take it at the scene. There could be more or less alcohol in the blood stream by that time. I really think this violates our rights as individuals and that police and the government are gaining more power over the people. What happens if the police officer has to prick a person many times just to get a small sample of blood? Is the police officer responsible for possible assault charges or abuse? I just do not think this is going to keep anyone safer than we already are. I think this is going to anger citizens more than help. Again, I do agree with Mary that something needs to be done about drunk drivers, but I do not think that violating our civil liberties is the way to do it.