Monday, November 16, 2009

My Response To Tax Dollars Being Used On Abortion

I n my classmate's blog entry "Should Our Tax Dollars be Going To Women To Have Abortions?", she talks on the subject of using tax dollars to fund abortion. I do not think that tax dollars should be used to fund abortion. I think that abortion is a woman's choice, but I do not feel like that my hard earned money should be spent on someone's possible mistake of not using some sort of contraceptive and got pregnant. I think that abortions should only be performed for only a few reasons such as a woman getting raped or if there was some sort of health at risk with either the baby or mother. I do not think that a 16-year-old girl should be able to go through the hard emotional process of killing her child because her and her boyfriend thought they were mature enough to have sex. However, I can not tell someone what they can and can not do with their body just like someone can not tell me how to use my body. I think that if a woman or a young girl decides that having an abortion for whatever their justifying reason maybe that they should fund that themselves. I do not think that raising taxes or shifting money should go to pay for something like this. I agree with Whitney that it is their responsibility to pay for a procedure like that, not mine. There are other options for woman out there to choose than abortion. I think for some many people that is the easy way out. I also believe that if people have funding to pay for this that it might make it okay for just anyone to be able to get this done and it is not.


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