Friday, December 11, 2009
My View On "Blood Testing Justification"
Monday, November 30, 2009
Anti Gay Ignorance
Wilson said that he tried to word his flier as a compassionate Christian. In my opinion, I do not think that Christians need to insert their constant two cents into politics and what is right and wrong. Shouldn't religion and state be separate? I am constantly hearing Christians preach this, but yet that is not what I am seeing. My mother is one of these "Christians" that will not shut up about gays and family values. As a homosexual, it really makes me upset that my own mother is the same way if not worse than Wilson. Wilson is also concerned that if Parker is elected mayor that it would inspire others to enter politics that are possibly gay or lesbian. At this point in life, who cares? Are we not adults? I do not think that someone's sexual orientation has to do with his or her qualifications on a job. In a political office, we need more people that are open-minded not only for gays, but for everyone. I think David Wilson should stop wasting his money and time on something that will eventually not even be a second thought for most Americans.
Monday, November 16, 2009
My Response To Tax Dollars Being Used On Abortion
I n my classmate's blog entry "Should Our Tax Dollars be Going To Women To Have Abortions?", she talks on the subject of using tax dollars to fund abortion. I do not think that tax dollars should be used to fund abortion. I think that abortion is a woman's choice, but I do not feel like that my hard earned money should be spent on someone's possible mistake of not using some sort of contraceptive and got pregnant. I think that abortions should only be performed for only a few reasons such as a woman getting raped or if there was some sort of health at risk with either the baby or mother. I do not think that a 16-year-old girl should be able to go through the hard emotional process of killing her child because her and her boyfriend thought they were mature enough to have sex. However, I can not tell someone what they can and can not do with their body just like someone can not tell me how to use my body. I think that if a woman or a young girl decides that having an abortion for whatever their justifying reason maybe that they should fund that themselves. I do not think that raising taxes or shifting money should go to pay for something like this. I agree with Whitney that it is their responsibility to pay for a procedure like that, not mine. There are other options for woman out there to choose than abortion. I think for some many people that is the easy way out. I also believe that if people have funding to pay for this that it might make it okay for just anyone to be able to get this done and it is not.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Death Penalty in Texas
I also believe that the prosecutor needs to prove that without a shadow of a doubt that the person that is being tried is guilty of the crime. There have been too many cases in the news lately that are showing that an innocent person has been executed here in Texas such as Willingham. When things like this show up in the news and media I think it makes Texans look really bad especially our governor who did not want to even look over the case and the new investigation done. There needs to be extreme investigations and research done before delivering a verdict in a case like this.
At the end of the day, I think that we need to change a system and process to better provide a solution to people that could possibly be placed on death row. Just imagine if you were the person that was sentenced to death row and you knew that you were innocent, but there was nothing you could do to find the system.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Prop 4
As a college student in the state of Texas, I would throughly enjoy the opportunity to have more variety of tier-one universities in my own state. I could avoid paying out-of-state tuition, as well as stay close to family and friends. Passing Prop 4 would not only alleviate admission pressures at UT-Austin, but would also boost the state economy because more students would want to continue their higher education in the state of Texas.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Governor Perry, An Innocent Man, and Texas
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Comptroller: Energy bill will cost jobs
I was reading an article from KXAN's political section and came across something that I found to be interesting. There is currently a new energy bill that is moving through Congress that will implement a cap and trade on energy use. The comptroller is saying that if passed it will cost Texans over a hundred thousand jobs. The cap and trade bill would "cap" limits on carbon emissions in an area and then in those areas those are allowed to "trade" credits to areas in need of reducing emissions. Different areas would buy, sell, or trade greenhouse gasp credits to credit some sort of limit on the state. This bill would not impact families directly, but Texas is the # 1 oil and gas exporter in the country and this bill would definitely limit the amount of production people would be able to do. Since people would not be able to produce the amount of what they are currently doing; therefore, they would not need as many employees or laborers to work for them creating major jobs cuts in Texas. I thought this was interesting since Texas has remained one of the few states that have not seen a huge job loss in the recession that we are living in. People are moving to Texas from all over the country to have a job and make a life for their families. If they were to pass a bill then people would have no reason to move here to keep the economy steady like it is now and possibly get laid off from their new job. Texas is a state that has a lot of jobs in manufacturing, agricultural, gas, oil and electric industries. A bill of this nature would directly impact all those industries. In a time that every job counts, they should rethink about this bill and possibly make more modifications to it.