Monday, October 19, 2009

Prop 4

Proposition 4, up for vote on November 3rd, is a controversial idea to push for more tier-one universities in the state of Texas. While some see it as controversial and unnecessary, I, and the author of the editorial, would like to see the Prop 4 pass with flying colors. According to the author in the editorial, "A vote for Proposition 4 is a vote for education and economy," the money that would be used to fund universities throughout Texas, such as UT-El Paso, UT-Dallas, and Texas Tech (just to name a few) to achieve tier-one status is already there; the money has just been laying dormant for some years now. Texas looses about 10,000 high school graduates each year to other out-of-state universities who grant doctoral degrees at other tier-one schools. Additionally, Texas only brings in about 4,000 students from other states to attend universities here. The reason Texas looses so many prospective students and only draws in a small amount is due to the lack of funding for Texas universities to thrive to their greatest potential. Since the money is already there, and the schools are already built, saying yes to this proposition would seem ignorant.

As a college student in the state of Texas, I would throughly enjoy the opportunity to have more variety of tier-one universities in my own state. I could avoid paying out-of-state tuition, as well as stay close to family and friends. Passing Prop 4 would not only alleviate admission pressures at UT-Austin, but would also boost the state economy because more students would want to continue their higher education in the state of Texas.

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